martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Excellent food in Portugal!

El restaurante Chapito se encuentra en Portugal junto al rio Tajo en la provincia de Lisboa. Fue diseñado en 1988 y es un proyecto hecho realidad donde puedes disfrutar de magnificos platos variados mientras disfrutas de diversas actividades como el teatro. Este restaurante se sitúa en una zona privilegiada entre cuestas y callejuelas. Chapito fue un personaje muy querido en el país, era una payasa muy famosa.
Chapito´s restaurant is in Portugal next to a river called Tajo in Lisboa provence. It was designed in 1988 and it´s a proyect which has became real where you can enjoy really good dishes while you enjoy different activities like theatre. This restaurant stay in a privileged area between slopes and streets. Chapito was a very important person in Portugal, it was a very famous clown

6 comentarios:

  1. Chapito is much more than a food-place...try to answer ALL THE QUESTIONS I made about the place to give a wider overall picture of the place!!!

  2. I really like your blog, but you should search more information about what Chapito is because you haven't covered all the points

  3. You should search more information next time. Try it!
    By the way, I love your new pet!

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
